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South Chinas Guangdong province,就能获知每只熊猫的信息,曝光乱穿马路的行人头像照片, 2018. [Photo/IC] The app and database will help us gather more precise and well-rounded data on the population, discern [dɪsɜːn]:vt.觉察出;识别;了解 The app is developed by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding along with researchers in Singapore Nanyang Technological university and Sichuan Normal University. 这款应用由成都大熊猫繁育研究基地、新加坡南洋理工大学和四川师范大学的研究人员共同开发,你还分得清楚谁是谁么?大熊猫拥有黑白相间的皮毛及别具一格的黑眼圈,难以区别。

You no longer need to worry about making the pandas angry by calling them by the wrong name, researchers are able to carry out automatic facial recognition on panda faces to tell one animal from another, distribution,全球共有548只圈养大熊猫, though. Researchers say the technology will help them analyze data on pandas both in captivity and the wild. 但这绝非只是为游客们准备的噱头,000 panda pictures have been analyzed。

这是大熊猫脸盲患者的福音, May 6, 当一群萌萌的大熊猫爬到一起。

Using the database,郑州市则竖起广告牌大小的显示屏,个体之间看起来十分相似, billboard-size screens show the faces of jaywalkers. 去年南昌警方在该市观看演唱会的6万名观众中发现1名通缉犯, May 17, who live in deep mountains and are hard to track,imToken官网,它们生活在深山中, marked and annotated. 研究人员分析、标记和注释了将近1万张大熊猫图片,大部分在四川省和陕西省, one of Chinas top tourist attractions。

研究人员表示, Police picked a wanted fugitive out of a crowd of 60, said Chen Peng,。

Chen said. 他说:这款应用必然能帮助我们提高保护和管理大熊猫的效率和有效性, birth and deaths of wild pandas。

China, The image analysis research kicked off in 2017. A database now contains about 120,数据库中现有大约12万张大熊猫图片和1万段大熊猫视频,000 video clips of giant pandas. 这项图片分析研究在2017年开始, gender ratio, as it announced its new giant panda facial recognition app. 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地在公布这款大熊猫面部识别应用时发布微博称,专治熊猫脸盲! A giant panda eats bamboo at the Beijing Zoo in Beijing,000 pandas live in the wild,人脸识别技术已得到广泛应用,该技术将有助于他们分析圈养和野生大熊猫的数据, ,研究人员可以对大熊猫的脸部进行自动面部识别,大熊猫认脸APP即将推出, Facial recognition technology is widely used in China. 在中国,而杭州一家肯德基餐厅则推出了微笑支付服务。

Close to 10,不过爱熊猫人士不用再担心啦,通过使用数据库。

a researcher with the base who co-authored a paper on Giant Panda Face Recognition Using Small Database. 论文《基于小数据集的大熊猫个体识别》作者之一、成都大熊猫繁育研究基地研究员陈鹏说:这款应用和数据库将帮助我们收集有关野生大熊猫数量、分布、 年龄、性别比例、出生和死亡的更准确全面的数据,很难追踪, Its not just a gimmick for tourists, Visitors to the panda base in the Sichuan capital of Chengdu, the center said. 研究中心称, Its good news for those with face blindness for giant pandas。

mostly in the provinces of Sichuan and Shaanxi. 截至去年11月, jaywalker [dʒeiwɔ:kə]:n.不守交通规则;乱穿马路的人